Thursday, October 14, 2010

embodied mind, enworlded body: everything in everything

in my iris there is a chart of my body.
the same for my foot and my hand and my ear.
in the brain the body is mapped many time: there is a motor-sensory map and many other.

if in my big toe there is a map of my brain, and the brain has a map of the body, on my big toe there will be another full map of the body! and following the same we can go further into the smaller and smaller world.

and what about the world i live?
is the kitchen a map of my stomach?
is my working desk a map of my confused mind?
is the place where i live a picture of myself?

and going bigger and bigger, am i a picture of this world i live?

Monday, September 27, 2010

frames [of mind]

our mind chooses how to frame our life.
at the end there is always a bigger frame that contains the whole picture.
no need to understand it, no need to see it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

enlightment in the chess house

- where did the Architect put the switchers?
- everything is dark... i can't see anything!

one man is laugthing in a corner. everybody thinks he went mad.
- what's wrong with you?
- you don't need to understand how the things are working here, just remove your blindfolds! haha

switchers and plugs in my american house

Monday, July 19, 2010

anarchy - karma and whatever

everything started with my project about giving things away on donation. no prices. the price is up to the customer. the furniture of my house in Australia, my comics on the street.
the results: very few dollars. but many insights
i discover that some people don't even know the word "donation". like in some sad scenario of 1984 of Orwell or alphaville of Godard: words are deleteted for the common speech. so the idea doesn't exist anymore.
so why donation?
first of all i like anarchy: no rules, freedom. but this implicates believing in human beings.
the problem that if you believe in human beings, you are a fool and you'll lose all your money.
people is not AWARE. not aware of themselves, not aware of the consequences their actions.
2000 years ago, a man called Jesus gave a rule, the golden rule, that sounds more or less like: "don't do to the others the things you don't want to be done to you".
but why being good?
because of the consequences of our actions.
if an industry exploits its workers, it can happen that its workers will be unhappy, and they will do some criminal actions, stealing, or violence etc.
this costs (social costs) fall on the society and not on the industry money.
in economics they call this theory of cost externalizing
in india, the law of karma.
simply can be said there should be two winners always and no looser.
the awareness we need to develop is that we are completely entangled with other people actions, and the whole world in general.
if i go to the restaurant i hope the cook had a good fuck the night before so he's happy and makes me a good meal. so to eat well i need that the cooker wife is happy and willing to make sex with the husband. but maybe the day before i took the last packet of the wife favourite cookies at the supermarket and i made the wife unhappy. so if i ate bad maybe it's my fault...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

the attack of the space jellyfishes

(click on the image to see it bigger)
winter seaside in australia.
air planes leave behind long fading white lines.
like jellyfish tentacles
strange sensation to live under the sea

Thursday, June 17, 2010

morning zombies: self portrait with head

switch off your brain (not difficult for zombies!), take the car, join the queue, take the metro, and go to office, 8 hours in front of a computer, take the metro, then the car, join the queue, and go back home to watch TV.
"Calm fitter, healthier and more productive a pig in a cage on antibiotics"

Monday, June 14, 2010

death rituals in modern society

to die confortably in front of a brain damage TV you need alcohol, as much as people dying in hospitals need pain killers. alcohol is like morphine it helps you to keep on watching it. and you need a lot of alcohol, so you need chemical, salty, drinking inductive chips!
the real mass destruction weapon is TV: it creates zombies.
for a real confortable death use alcohol, don't use other drugs like mariajuana, or psychedelics, they risk to make you think too much....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

syd the hardcore punk hedgehog

this video inspired me for the comic...
nice old time when we were thinking to change the world through the music!

here the link to see all the movie:
(chinese of course!!! heheh)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

thank god for the mad people!
they make you stop on the road.
you can have the opportunity to stop a second and watch around, maybe there is something worth noticing.
mad people, difficulties, are monsters... in the tibetan book of the dead they talk about vision of scary monsters, but only if you are scared, you miss the important part: they are buddhas!!!
the monster maybe are just projections of your mind!

Friday, May 21, 2010

kaos/ kosmos: hidden buddha part II

(fractal buddha: stereogram...see the instruction on the previous post)

kaos and kosmos: disorder and order.
in modern science choas theory: the order within disorder
there is a buddha hidden if can see it.

hidden buddha

there is an hidden buddha in everyone!

instruction to see the stereogram:
click on the image to open it in another window, and see it bigger.
look at the image and every so often at something behind the screen.
try to focus your glance on the things behind...
and go back to the image...
back and forth...
just relax and make the magic happen!
like it happens often in life, more we focus on something, and more we don't get it...
relax... don't be to concerned about what you are aiming and you'll get it!

don't get distracted by the flies!!! ;-)
stereogram like in fly

Saturday, May 8, 2010

white page

our past, our history stains our eyes.
we can see the future only on the base of our past.
and we can see only linearly...
so we are damned to try to repeat it...

are we our past?
are we free from it?

no more space to write.
no more white pages.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

in the land of the blind...

One day when Yacob was present he returned to the topic of Nunez. "I have examined Nunez," he said, "and the case is clearer to me. I think very probably he might be cured."
"This is what I have always hoped," said old Yacob.
"His brain is affected," said the blind doctor.
The elders murmured assent.
"Now, what affects it?"
"Ah!" said old Yacob.
This," said the doctor, answering his own question. "Those queer things that are called the eyes, and which exist to make an agreeable depression in the face, are diseased, in the case of Nunez, in such a way as to affect his brain. They are greatly distended, he has eyelashes, and his eyelids move, and consequently his brain is in a state of constant irritation and distraction."
"Yes?" said old Yacob. "Yes?"
"And I think I may say with reasonable certainty that, in order to cure him complete, all that we need to do is a simple and easy surgical operation--namely, to remove these irritant bodies."
"And then he will be sane?"
"Then he will be perfectly sane, and a quite admirable citizen."
"Thank Heaven for science!" said old Yacob, and went forth at once to tell Nunez of his happy hopes.

H.G.Wells "The Country of the Blind"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

anarchy: western vs eastern approach

anarchy according to science: emergent property of a complex system, egoistic genes, evolutionary theories... this is a good representation of a western point of view: so about external world. freedom is analysed according external conditions and factors... eastern people would start from the mind watching reality. western anarchists try to make a revolution in the external world, abolishing rules, annihilate governments...
jiddu krishnamurti (an indian philosopher), in a speech at the United Nations said that the real revolution is a revolution about consciousness. people have to change their minds, increase their awareness, and the world changes will follows... naturally without any effort, without any fight...
aware of what? of what's the real nature of the things... at the end what this video show is what tao says... nature has its order...that is not what we think it is (!!) ... just follows, relax... and...

Anarchy is

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm the wind

my body trembles, i feel fear...
are there any reason for my fear?
if there aren't any... i can invent any...
so easy...
life is short and the world is a dangerous place...

thanks to the donations i could buy a graphic tablet... so a i can start to draw again after been stopped by the metacarpal tunnel syndrome  

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

bed time stories for daydreamers

here it is finally: the illustrated story book about daydreamers...
you can see it or download it following the link

for hard copy write to:
and i'll send you one
this work is under creative commons licence: you can download it, use it, copy it...

if you like it, share it, give a feedback (i like negative feedback!!)...
and give a donation if you feel like...
this project is about money as well, it follows the rainbow donation style or the gnu software (linux)
can something good (hopefully) survive without a price?
i'm selling it on the road...

Thursday, March 11, 2010


every draw i make is a copy.
the inspirations are many... books, movies and comics.
the brain is a nether-less than a copy machine.
nothing new can come out of there... it will be just a mix of many other things...
maybe a new mix... but it will taste always of something you know... (if you know already how it can be new!!!)
so where is creativity?
creativity is in chaos
creativity is in mistakes, in errors
creativity is the unexpected
creativity is in losing control, in losing mind
like in a dance, like in love, like in drugs...
only there you can see the self that you don't know
only there you can see something of you different from your mind...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

zack is evil

is zack evil? what does it mean evil?
his nature bring him to destroy, to question any rule... is this evil?
in nature there are some forces that bring to changes, to destroy the old... this is a part of the process, of the cycle of creation and destruction.
the tiger kills old an sick animals: is it generous? is it evil? it's just a tiger. but if we tame the tiger and she becomes like a cat, we make a bad tiger. the tiger loose its position in the nature.

the same is for zack: culture, schools, work are trying to tame his nature, to make him artificial, sophisticated.
one time a japanese buddhist monk went to italy, to the catholic "comunione e liberazione" congress and he asked to be brought to mussolini's tomb to pray. it was a big scandal: "why do you want to pray on his tomb: he was a bad man!".
the monk replied "it was just his karma. he need someone to pray for him. he had to follow its destiny".
no bad nor good: everything is just conventional, relative to specific time and place.