Wednesday, March 17, 2010

bed time stories for daydreamers

here it is finally: the illustrated story book about daydreamers...
you can see it or download it following the link

for hard copy write to:
and i'll send you one
this work is under creative commons licence: you can download it, use it, copy it...

if you like it, share it, give a feedback (i like negative feedback!!)...
and give a donation if you feel like...
this project is about money as well, it follows the rainbow donation style or the gnu software (linux)
can something good (hopefully) survive without a price?
i'm selling it on the road...

Thursday, March 11, 2010


every draw i make is a copy.
the inspirations are many... books, movies and comics.
the brain is a nether-less than a copy machine.
nothing new can come out of there... it will be just a mix of many other things...
maybe a new mix... but it will taste always of something you know... (if you know already how it can be new!!!)
so where is creativity?
creativity is in chaos
creativity is in mistakes, in errors
creativity is the unexpected
creativity is in losing control, in losing mind
like in a dance, like in love, like in drugs...
only there you can see the self that you don't know
only there you can see something of you different from your mind...