Wednesday, June 23, 2010

the attack of the space jellyfishes

(click on the image to see it bigger)
winter seaside in australia.
air planes leave behind long fading white lines.
like jellyfish tentacles
strange sensation to live under the sea

Thursday, June 17, 2010

morning zombies: self portrait with head

switch off your brain (not difficult for zombies!), take the car, join the queue, take the metro, and go to office, 8 hours in front of a computer, take the metro, then the car, join the queue, and go back home to watch TV.
"Calm fitter, healthier and more productive a pig in a cage on antibiotics"

Monday, June 14, 2010

death rituals in modern society

to die confortably in front of a brain damage TV you need alcohol, as much as people dying in hospitals need pain killers. alcohol is like morphine it helps you to keep on watching it. and you need a lot of alcohol, so you need chemical, salty, drinking inductive chips!
the real mass destruction weapon is TV: it creates zombies.
for a real confortable death use alcohol, don't use other drugs like mariajuana, or psychedelics, they risk to make you think too much....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

syd the hardcore punk hedgehog

this video inspired me for the comic...
nice old time when we were thinking to change the world through the music!

here the link to see all the movie:
(chinese of course!!! heheh)